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Top 5 Ways To Improve Your English

 English is one of the most important languages in today's world. Be it finding a job, traveling in a foreign country, communication with people from different regions, etc. English can help you a lot.

English has become so important in today's world that many people even use it as a parameter in judging someone. If you know English and if you can speak it fluently, then people will automatically start to have a little respect for you regardless of your behavior and other things. While it is neither morally nor ethically correct to a judge person just on the basis of the language spoken by him, but it is the truth and reality.

You might be having a query while reading this article; why should we improve our English language ?

In order to answer your query, let me state some of the most common advantages of learning English language:

  • Memory Improvement 
It is no rare fact that no matter what age one is, learning a second language improves your brain functionality. Every single brain changes with age, but case studies show that people who know more than one language have a longer attention span. It also helps tremendously in sharpening your mind. Is it any surprise that famous detective characters such as Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes are multi-linguists.
  • Education Enhancement
Many of the world's most prestigious universities and colleges are situated in countries such as United States, England and Australia. To earn a position at one of these universities, it is a must to be able to read, write and converse in English language since all of these countries have English speaking population. Degree opportunities at these institutions will become available once you are at the advanced age of the English language which in turn will tremendously improve your career.
  • Better Employment Opportunities
It is a very common fact that getting a job in some of world's biggest companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc. becomes a lot easier if you have a good grip over English language. While I am not saying that people who do not know English cannot get a good job, it does become easier to acquire a nice job if you have a good grip over English language.

  • Increases travelling opportunities
Once you get good at English, not only will your travel opportunities increase as you come more confident but you will find that you can travel more. And this in turn broadens your mind ! Understanding and respecting different cultures also becomes more apparent. Even if you are in a country where English is not the official language, chances are that English will still be used as a mode of communication.
  • Broadens entertainment opportunities

    Generally speaking, English is the official language of the art and media world. The largest film industry in the world, Hollywood produces films in English. It is always best to appreciate an international work of art in its official language. Learning English will also enable you to get rid of subtitles.

  • Assists in learning other languages

English is one of the easiest languages to learn with its simple alphabets. And once English is mastered , you will have developed skills and abilities which you did not have before. These skills will transfer to any other language you learn, even a programming language !

Now that we have stated some of the simplest advantages and benefits of learning English, lets us have a look at some simple methods which you can apply in your daily life to tremendously increase your knowledge about English language.

So, without any further ado...


1) Read Newspaper

One of the most common and easiest way to improve your English is by reading newspapers, and by newspaper, I mean an English newspaper. It not only helps you in improving your English but also helps you in improving your knowledge about current affairs. They carry the news about your country and the world. The even have some article on daily topics such as fitness, cooking, etc. So if just reading some pieces of paper on a daily can give you so many benefits, then I see no reason why you shouldn't do it !

2) Read Storybooks

Another way to improve your English is through reading storybooks. The time which many people spend on certain things like watching comedy videos on YouTube can be used to improve your English through reading storybooks. Reading storybooks is a great way to pass your time in a useful manner and gain some knowledge as well.

3) Watch English videos such as English movies

Almost each and every one of us loves watching movies. Some love watching action movies, some love comedy and some love romance. And if you have the time to watch movies on a regular basis, then I have one suggestion for you. If you want to improve your English and enjoy the process as well, then start watching English movies rather than Hindi movies or movies in other regional languages. Believe me, it helps a lot in improving your English language.

4) Write short essays on common topics

You can read storybooks, read newspaper, read articles and do many other similar things but the best way to test whether you have truly gained some knowledge and acquired some skill is through using it in practical life. Just choose any topic of your liking; it can be cooking, fitness, entertainment, environment conservation , etc. and just write as much as you can. Write till you exhaust all your ideas regarding the topics on which you have decided to write and try to write it with the best level of English which you know. Not only will it improve your English, but it will also help you in increasing your creativity.

5) Converse in English

Just like I mentioned earlier, one of the best way to test your knowledge and skills is to apply it in real life. If you don't like writing , then you can follow this method also. Talk with other people only in English language at least for an hour. It could be your family members, your relatives, your classmates, your friends, etc. The point is, just talk as much as you can in English language. You will surely see improvements in your English within a very short period of time.

So there you go. These are some of the easiest ways in which you can improve your English language. And believe me when I say this, if you follow the points mentioned above sincerely for at least a month or two, you will definitely see HUGE improvements in your English language !


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