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 Hey guys, its me, your friendly neighborhood blogger.

In this blog, I am gonna be giving you some recommendations for some brilliant detective novel authors present out there.

See, the thing is, I am a fan of detective novels thriller novels, novels with suspense, action .... well, you get the idea.

So if you are somebody who is looking for some authors who write romantic novels, or novels with humor and comedy, well... this article is not for you. ( extremely sorry for wasting your time ! )

Now, with that being said...


1)  Agatha Christie 

This author is an obvious pick for this list since you can't talk about mystery and detective novels without including Agatha Christie in your conversation. From 'And Then There were none' to 'murder on the orient express ' she has produced loads and loads of great novels which have never failed to enthusiast the reader. Even after reading so many of her books, I still find it difficult to find out who the culprit is ! 

Her books always have a great plot which are never repeated in 2 books. So if you are a reader who wants to read a variety of thrilling detective novels, each with a unique thrilling plot, then you can surely read her books.

2) Alistair MacLean

Here is another great author whose books you might wanna read. Even though he is not as popular as Agatha Christie, he is still an equally brilliant author. If you are a fan of novels filled with action moments such as infiltrating a enemy military base, destroying guns located in the most inaccessible of places, infiltrating a household full of underworld dons, etc. Then you can surely read his books coz his books are ABUNDANT with such breathtaking, mind-blowing moments which will make your hair stand on end and make you wanna never stop reading till you have finished the entire story.

Some of my personal favorites are :- 'Where Eagles Dare' , 'Night Without End ' , 'Fear Is The Key ' and 'Guns Of Navarone ' .

If you want to tell me about your personal favorite authors, then feel free to write about them in the comment section.

Until next time...



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