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 consumer protection act  :- 1986

consumer protection act is also known as COPRA

in 1985, united nations adopted guidelines for consumer protection. They created a body known as consumer international

list of consumer rights :- 

1)right to safety

2)right to be informed

3)right to choose

4)right to seek redressal

consumer rights movement is not strong enough

under COPRA,  1 3 tier quasi-judicial machinery at the district, state and national level was set up for redressal of consumer disputes.

the district level deals with cases involving claims upto 20 lakhs.

the state level deals with cases involving claims from 20 lakhs to 1 crore.

the national level deals with cases involving claims exceeding 1 crore.

the ISI mark is for assuring quality of non food products.

the Agmark is for assuring quality of food products.

it is mandatory on the part of producers to get verified by BIS.

BIS :- Bureau of Indian Standards.

people participate in market as both consumers and producers.

the ISI and Agmark are issued by BIS.

COPRA applies to both goods and services.


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